
Docker:  Stop all containers now!

Docker: Stop all containers now!

Docker has changed our world. A very useful component in the toolbox of any Software Engineer or perhaps, any forward-thinking company. What is Docker? Why Docker? and other questions relating to the topic starts here: Docker Sometimes, you are just too annoyed with...

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Jest: Ignore CSS files while running tests

Jest: Ignore CSS files while running tests

To ensure Jest ignores CSS files when running tests, simply follow the steps below:  Install a module: `identity-obj-proxy` npm install -D identity-obj-proxy 2.   Update your jest config(jest.config.json) { "jest":{ "moduleNameMapper": {...

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Elasticsearch Cleansing

Elasticsearch Cleansing

By running a custom-built Elasticsearch on AWS, you have to do everything on the console.   AWS has its Elasticsearch offering but I had this project handed over to me and it's running an old instance of Elasticsearch before AWS had its own. Data pollution is a common...

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